My Dad
When I was younger I hated my dad’s job. It forced me to move constantly and kept him away from home for most of my childhood. I still remember the road trips my mom and I would take on the weekends just to see him. Between his eighty hour work week and sometimes ten hour drive home, there was little father-daughter time to be had.
As an adult I have grown to understand and respect my father and his career.
I am grateful for the sacrifices he has made in order to provide a wonderful life for myself and my family. He is an educated and successful man who started with nothing after returning from Vietnam. Now my dad is an engineer for the federal government, considered a leading expert in his field. My father has been published in many books and manuals.
Most recently he has be recognized by the Secretary of Interior, Dirk Kempthrone.
He received a personal letter of gratitude from Mr. Kempthrone based on his work in Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Read the full article, here.
Not only did he help avoid disaster he had a hand in saving the environment.
My dad has always told me that hard work pays off, I am glad his work has earned him the recognition he deserves.