Blogging,  Psychology

Dr. Ainsworth’s Pot Luck

Dr. A had a few of us over for an end of the semester party.
It was a great to see everyone outside of the school setting!
It was great to let loose a little with those who are intelligent and have ambition.
I had one of the best nights I have had in a while.
Enjoy the pictures and enjoy the last week of the semester!

πŸ’πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ Husband to Jeana. ⚾️ Dodgers & Brewers. πŸ’» PHP Engineer. πŸŒπŸΌβ€β™‚οΈGolfer; ~13 HDC. 🌱 Hydroponic Gardner. 🍿 Plex nerd. πŸš™ '15 WRX, '22 Model 3 LR, & '66 Corvette C2. Follow me on Twitter @TheFrosty & Instagram @TheFrosty.


Jeana Arters psych techers holiday pot luck

[…] I took a few photo’s that are now up on Jeana’s site. […]

Jeana Arters psych techers holiday pot luck

[…] I took a few photo’s that are now up on Jeana’s site. […]

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