NYE 2010 Las Vegas
To bring in 2010 Austin and I joined his parents in Vegas to celebrate the new year and their thirty years of marriage.
The drive to Vegas was not fun! It took us eight hours from Beverly Hills to the valet at Aria. With the rain and the holiday weekend pretty much everyone in LA and Vegas and every where in in between was on the road.
We finally arrived at Las Vegas’ newest casino and resort, Aria. It is not a place for those who have been going to Vegas for years. The modern architecture and open concept makes this casino perfect for younger generation and those from over seas.
The casino has some loose ends to tie up, but what else is to be expected. The Aria has only been open since December 16th. However, I believe two hours to get our bags was a little extreme.
NYE was wonderful.
We did a little shopping at the Fashion Show Mall, the guys got new suits for the black tie affair.
It was hard to believe both Austin and his dad got brand new suits tailed and ready to wear all within three hours, only in Vegas.
The evening started off with a champagne toast in Austin’s parents suite. Austin’s dad celebrated his thirtieth wedding anniversary with friends he has known for foury-five years. To think about a friendship that has with stood so many years and so much adversity is truly wonderful and puts a smile on my face.
Next the group headed down to the Lady GaGa themed black tie affair. Cristal was considered the house champagne and the entertainment on the center stage was absolutely amazing.
The black tie affair ended rather early, not surprised since Austin and I were the youngest of the group by at least ten years. We walked around Aria feeling the wonderful effects of Cristal and trying to find the next party. After walking aimlessly and giving up on the poor cell service, we ended up going to bed early. Which turned out to be okay, I woke up feeling the effects of all the Cristal the next morning anyways.
All in all it was a wonderful trip. It was nice to spend some time with family over the holidays, even if it was new years.
I hope each and everyone of you brought the new year in with those you love.
Even though writing 2010 instead of 2009 will not improve our lives, we have the ability to make our lives better each and every day.