Pictures From Cancun
I landed in Cancun extremely excited for my trip. I had a shuttle to the hotel booked, I knew what to expect when it came to immigration and customs. The sun was shinning and I was looking forward to an awesome afternoon on a white sandy beach working on my tan.
Well of course nothing ever goes as planned. After about thirty minutes I step out of the airport in search of my pre-paid shuttle. It begins to down pour. Not a like here in LA, where even if it is raining its possible to avoid getting completely wet. This kind of rain only happens in the south. In less than I minute I was completely wet, I felt as though someone just dumped a bucket of water on my head. To make matters worse I could not find my shuttle. I ran up and down the walk way about three times before caving and paying for a cab.
After arriving at the hotel and checking in things began to go a little smoother. I made my way to the beach, for about fourty-five minutes of sun before the gray clouds hovered over head.
It rained the entire rest of the night, but the rest of the trip was absolutely beautiful.
I enjoyed meeting other students passionate about psychological research. I even enjoyed the statistics workshops, although they were slightly beyond my grasp. It was short trip, but I was ready to be home by the time my flight came Friday evening. I am glad I made the trip and I am grateful for the friendships that were formed in the mean time.