Life Lesson
Life Lesson: Sometimes life gets in the way.
I had every intention of writing everyday for a month. I didn’t want to write the day before and then schedule the article to be published. I wanted to write everyday on a relevant topic in my life. Well, I failed.
To be completely honest, life just caught up with me and I had too many things on my To Do List. Not the best or most sophisticated answer, but it’s real. Also, if I am being real with myself. I fell back into my hold habits of researching while I write. This turned what should be a 45 minute blog into 2 hours. And guess what, its still not done. 🙄
So, what now?
Good question. My plan is to jump back on the blogging train. I hope to blog everyday, until I get my ebook completed it just may not happen. What I can promise is a new post 2-3 times a week and once my ebook is done (end of the month) I will attempt this goal again.
I read yesterday, We should not punish ourselves for failing.
I feel like that is applicable here. While I am unhappy I didn’t achieve my goal, I am grateful for my readers and the opportunity. It will happen, sometimes I just bite off a little more than I can chew. 😀
Featured image by: Florian Klauer via Unsplash