Write Everyday
Over a month ago I was in Orange County for WordCampOC.
To be honest, I have attended many WordCamps but have listen to very few talks. This year was an exception, the speakers were well informed (perhaps experts) on their topics, spoke elegantly, and provided invaluable information.
I have heard for many years great things about Chris Lema; he’s a great speaker, he dominated the blogging game, etc. So, of course I had to check out his talk, and it did not disappoint.
I learned Chris wrote everyday for three years. Yes. You read that correctly, three years.
When he first said this I am pretty sure my jaw dropped. I would say I made this face 😳 but my forehead doesn’t move that much. lol okay, I digress. Chris went on to talk about how he made writing a habit, he talked about what he wrote about, and he interacts with other bloggers; all incredibly valuable information.
The kicker, the part in Chris’ talk regarding the writing process. Chris said he doesn’t edit or research while he writes. This really resonated with me. I actually felt as though he was pointing his finger at me saying, “Jeana, knock that shit off.” Mostly because I never get any of my articles finished. I honestly have about 15 “drafts” right now. I notoriously start a post and then end up down a research rabbit hole to support my opinion OR I get distracted by something in my house. This literally JUST happened. I was writing, went to use the restroom which lead to looking in the mirror, which lead to putting on sunscreen before I go to the beach…in 45 minutes!!
Let me back up a second.
I use to write all the time. I blogged at least once a week and I had to write a lot for graduate school. I was disciplined and efficient. But once I started working in Corporate America I began to write only when I felt inspired and as you can see by my blog, that is not very often. When I do write it is for 10 minutes at a time, then (like previously stated) I am distracted.
I am tired of this process.
I am tired of having something to say but lacking the discipline to put it out there. So, as of today I am challenging myself to write everyday.
Now, I can’t say I will do it for three years but I am willing to try it for a month. Some posts will be current thoughts and others will be completed drafts. 😁
Starting next week (July 16) I will send out weekly newsletter summarizing my posts for the week and include some extra fitness and nutrition tips. 🤗 Be sure to subscribe, so you can stay in the know!
I look forward to sharing this challenge with each of you!