Real Talk…I Am Behind
“Great things never come from comfort zone.”
Recently, I have felt incredibly overwhelmed but the amount of change taking place. It is all good, wonderful, and positive change but still a lot to digest.
I am one that usually has a set schedule, but since accepting the assistant manager position at BoxUnion my schedule tends to fluctuate from week to week. Because of this I fell behind on my network marketing business AND my market research clients! 😩 As if that was not enough, I was side tracked by a (wonderful) bachelorette trip to Austin followed by a chest cold.
To keep it 💯, I even fell behind on my social media.
This morning, I felt completely overwhelmed, and, to be honest disappointed.
I am disappointed because I am not on track to meet any of my 1st quarter goals and honestly did not know where to start (I am so behind my asana to do list isn’t even up to date).
But, this morning I forced myself take a deep breath.
I did a little meditation. And, I forced myself to remember change does not come from my comfort zone (routine).
Change comes from taking action.
So, I put on some feel good music opened asana to update my to do list and just started. And, although still behind (15 unread emails and 10 DMs), I feel great. I feel accomplished.
The moral to my story…
We all fall off the wagon but the only way back on is to start.
Featured image by Anton Sharov on Unsplash