Six Years of Marriage
Marriage… if you know me you know I wasn’t the little girl playing house planning a dream wedding; but, 6 years later I wouldn’t change a thing.
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength but loving someone deeply gives you courage.” Lao Tzu
Austin, I never imagined the wild ride we would have in such a short amount of time.
I was laid off.
You were laid off, at the same time.
I switched careers.
We lost our Grandmothers.
We’ve both had surgery.
I had a life threatening accident.

But, the joyous times out weigh the difficult ones.
We both purchased a version of our dream car.
We have traveled the world.
Our fur-babies are happy and healthy.
We have incredible friends and family.
I have transformed my body and mind but you transformed my heart.
Our love has grown beyond what I could have imagined.
I am beyond lucky you chose me and continue to choose me everyday. I am grateful to be your wife and navigate this life with you by my side.
I choose you. I choose you today and everyday after. You are my rock when I don’t want to admit I need one. You make me laugh when I take life too seriously. You’re my best friend and fur-baby daddy.😊
Thank you for loving me.
Happy 6th wedding anniversary, my love.💕
What I have learned these past 6 years.
- Choose each other everyday. Don’t let the harshness of life extinguish the love you have for each other. Yes, life it tough; but it will be a lot worse without your partner.
- Don’t leave the house mad. I use to think you couldn’t go to bed mad, but a wiser less suborned Jeana has learned not everything gets solved in the same day. But, you shouldn’t leave the house mad. What if something happens? Never let your person leave without saying how you feel.
- Do what makes sense for YOUR marriage. There are so many opinions about how life should be, what is ‘normal’ (e.g., kids, what age, big wedding, small wedding, honeymoon, where to spend holidays, etc.). But in the end, you have to decide what works for the two of you.
- Date night without phones is a non-negotiable. This friend(s), this could be the gold. Well, no phone date night and 2 bathrooms (what I learned in my first year of marriage). These two things will save your marriage. Promise.
- Travel. I’m not talking about gong to the same place every year at the same time. I mean go see the world. Experience a third world country. You learn a lot about someone when you travel with your person. Are they a planner (packing weeks before) or more spontaneous (packing the morning of). How do they deal with customs and delayed flights? More than that, you get to experience something new together. Take an adventure. Marr
- Never stop laughing. I’m not sure who said being an adult means you have to be serious all the time; but that’s dumb. The truth is life is serious enough; it’s difficult and at times exhausting. The tough times will force you to be serious. So choose laughter. Often.