Multitasking in Your Business
Multitasking. A change I’ve implemented in my business recently…
As a (research) psychologist with a lot of experience in human behavior I’ve never fully subscribed to the idea of multitasking.
Our brains just aren’t capable of paying attention (fully) to two things at once.
But hold on-
Sometimes we don’t need to pay attention fully (e.g., driving, eating, etc.).🤔
I was already a big fan of listening to a personal development podcast (or book) while cleaning or walking my fur-babies.
Still I was not applying this to my business; instead I was time blocking my entire day feeling incredibly overwhelmed, + usually disappointed when I was unable to get every thing done at the end of the day.
With the guidance of a mentor I applied this same concept to my business.
This past week I have woke up early (hello 4:45am), but more than just being able to get things done before most have even opened their eyes, I began to see where I can multi task.
Rather than taking an entire 30 minutes to take my fur babies outside, give them fresh food + water; why not do that while I’m on our 7am team call?
Instead of using 20 minutes in the morning to set out my shakes and snacks for the next day (aka meal prep); why not do that while I cook dinner the night before?
In just two simple adjustments I have freed up close to an hour of my day.
By doing so I have allowed myself to work when I am most productive, in the morning + do mundane tasks while processing important information.
Once I began to really analyze my day I saw so many areas where I am able to multitask.
I know it’s the season when most start slowing down; it’s the time when it’s easy to give up on current goals + push them until next year.
I encourage you to do the opposite.
As an athlete I learned the importance of getting things done even when I don’t feel like doing them, because those habits (when no one is looking) set me up for success (when everyone is watching).
Start developing good habits now- when it’s cold + dark outside. When all you want to do is sleep.
Your 2021 will thank you.💖