The Secret to Success
Some say the secret to success is in the work you’re avoiding. I’ll take it one step further; it’s actually in the routine you (failed to) create.
I get it, routine isn’t fun but we do a lot of things in life that aren’t fun for the simple fact we desire the outcome.
Personally, I struggled a lot in the last 6 months of 2020, I kept holding my breath gyms would open again and I could resume my normal routine. I kept hoping my husband’s office would open so I wouldn’t hear his conference calls during the day. Ten (10) months later (December 2020) I was tired of hoping and waiting I started to crate a routine to fit my current life, not one I use to or hoped to have.
My (current) routine changes somewhat day to day depending on workouts and calls but the core (morning) remains the same; these are non-negotiables.
Here’s a glimpse of what has worked for me based on the patterns of my family:
- 4:45-5:00am-wake up, focus on what I’m grateful for, take the dogs outside
- 5:15am-make coffee, drink at least 10oz oz of water, take my vitamins and collagen
- 5:30am-power hour from my computer (I work undisturbed because everyone else is sleeping)
- 6:30am-stretch & listen to a motivational podcast or youtube training
- 7:00am-Monday-Friday team call (Saturday and Sunday I read an hour)
- 7:30am-read a non fiction personal development book
- 8:00am-start my day (because everyone is awake)
I hope this provides a little guidance and encourages you to stop waiting for life to be normal and start working towards your future.💖
Featured image by Markus Spiske on Unsplash