Resolution Check-in
It’s a little difficult to believe we’re rounding out February already- it feels like just last week we were all bright-eyed making 2021 resolutions. But- it is time for a little resolution check-in.
I committed 2021 to things that serve me.
Which in return means limiting or eliminating things that do not.
I stopped watching (drama filled) reality TV & listening to true crime podcasts.
Since December 31st I have read five books & listened to three.
I have moved my body in some capacity & drank a gallon of water everyday.
I share this not to brag but rather to share my progress.
Real change requires time.
What I once had to force myself to do has become a habit; choosing water over coffee, reading over TV, movement over siting still.
I had to force myself to pick up my water cup and put the coffee away. I had to force myself to read just 10 pages (I literally would count them out). I had to force myself to move everyday.
As we close out February (2021) I urge you to consider saying yes to what serves you, even if you have to force yourself in the beginning.
You’re worth it.💖
Featured image by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash