The Year of Calm
“We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both” (Brene Brown 2015).
Every year I set goals (or resolutions whatever you want to call them) to do more. To get more time out of the day to show up for more people, to get more out of my fitness regimen (by doing more workouts).
This year, I’m going to try to do something different instead of trying to do more. I am going to focus on being calm (in order to choose courage).
I’m not too sure what calm is. Calm is definitely not an adjective most would use to describe me, nor would I use it to describe myself. I’m the person who is always doing something, physically and mentally (I add to my mental To Do List in the middle of a Soul-Cycle class).
However, I believe calm is what I need in order to choose courage.
2020 and most of 2021 felt like a constant emotional battle; and then, I gave up. I fell back into old habits (aka my comfort zone). I began to make choices that didn’t serve me (e.g., drinking wine every night, skipping workouts, etc.) and left me feeling depleted.
So, 2022 will be the year of calm in order to choose courage, because I want more out life. Life is good, but I know I’m leaving a lot on the table, I haven’t tapped into my potential; I’ve hidden behind the comfort or routine.
For that reason, tonight looks a little different; I’ve replaced a bottle of wine at the bar with a book and cup of tea.
Honestly, it feels really good to make decisions which align with my (big) dreams.
Happy 2022, friends.
How can I support you this year?
What are your focusing on?
Featured image by: Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash