2024 Lessons
Tis the season for reflect on 2024. What worked? Where can I improve? What did I learn? I have a few 2024 lessons, maybe they will help you too.
Seasons of Life
This past week has been incredibly (emotionally) confusing for me. I’ve been thinking a lot…. about the meaning of life & about what is important in life. Over the past week three strong…
Life Keeps Moving
Water is a great teacher, if you take time to listen. The greatest of all lessons; even on my bad days, life keeps moving.
Real Talk…I Am Behind
“Great things never come from comfort zone.” Recently, I have felt incredibly overwhelmed but the amount of change taking place. It is all good, wonderful, and positive change but still a lot to…
Life Lesson
Life Lesson: Sometimes life gets in the way. I had every intention of writing everyday for a month. I didn’t want to write the day before and then schedule the article to be…
What I Have Learned
I have hesitated to publish this article since June. Its unnerving to put something so personal on display, but necessary. This has been an emotional week for me. There were many times I…