
North Carolina Sex Offenders On MySpace

I know I always wonder if the strange person messaging me, tweeting with me or whatever, is who they claim to be. However I have been blessed with an amazingly cynical attitude most do not have.
Therefore these young teens are getting suckered into meeting people in person and basing their self worth upon what strangers say to them.
The most unfortunate side affect of the internet is how easy it is for these pervert to access the innocent.

More than 2,100 registered North Carolina sex offenders were found on the social networking site MySpace, the state attorney general’s office said Tuesday.
MySpace turned over the names, IP and e-mail addresses of 2,116 convicted North Carolina sex offenders found on its social networking Web site.

Sex offenders on social networking sites is not a new issue. Last month, Newsweek magazine reported that Facebook said it had removed 5,585 convicted sex offenders from its site between May 2008 and January 2009. MySpace also announced it had removed 90,000 sex offenders in a two-year period, the magazine said.

After discussions with the group, MySpace became the first social networking site to develop technology aimed at finding and removing sex offenders, the North Carolina statement said. Cooper is pushing Facebook to take similar steps.

Read the full story at,

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I am totally shocked by the attitude of people, if these people had committed a murder then using these spces would be okay, but because they have flashed themselves, or done what Larry Craig did or perhaps actually touched and committed Lewd and Lasvious acts they should be quarantined, isolated and ridiculed for ever, because they exposed a portion of flesh to an underaged individual they are the scum of the earth, and that guy Maddox wo has swindled people out of Billions life savings hard earned money well he will be able to chat online and possible inform us all on his successes. Yes it must be said that God made trash and America enjoys labelling and condemning for enternity.


I am totally shocked by the attitude of people, if these people had committed a murder then using these spces would be okay, but because they have flashed themselves, or done what Larry Craig did or perhaps actually touched and committed Lewd and Lasvious acts they should be quarantined, isolated and ridiculed for ever, because they exposed a portion of flesh to an underaged individual they are the scum of the earth, and that guy Maddox wo has swindled people out of Billions life savings hard earned money well he will be able to chat online and possible inform us all on his successes. Yes it must be said that God made trash and America enjoys labelling and condemning for enternity.

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