For WordCamp San Francisco 2011 Austin and I decided to drive. We needed a little road trip and I also wanted to take the babies with us after being away from them in Cabo for two weeks.
We started our trip by stopping in SLO to visit our wonderful friends to the north. Our few days in SLO were perfect, per usual. I got my hair done by the wonderful Melissa Bailey at Faces Salon. My hair turned out amazing and the time in the salon was relaxing! That night, Austin and I were surprised with fresh tuna that our friend Ross caught on a recent fishing trip in San Diego. The best part, Ross made sushi for us. Probably the most delicious meal I have ever experienced. My mouth is watering as I type this just thinking about that dinner.
The next night was spent cheering on the MasterBatters as the played the first round of playoffs in SLO co-ed adult softball game. I was the designated dog watcher and incredibly happy to do so. After the MasterBatters added another mark in the W column it was time to hit downtown and celebrate.
Wishing our time is SLO could have been longer than a couple of days, it was time to make our trip a little further north for WordCamp San Francisco 2011.
Aside from the freezing cold weather and disgusting streets San Francisco was beautiful. The people I was able to catch up with and spend time with made up for what the city itself was lacking. After two full days at the conference and two full nights of after parties it was time to make the long drive back to LA.