Jeana Tales

Finding Strength

These past seven days have been quite the challenge for me. Last week my dogs were really sick, leaving little gross surprises all over the house. Tuesday night I had a stalker calling the cafe where I was and Austin’s cell phone. Completely freaked me out. Still unsure if it was a joke or not, but I have given up on foursquare and gowalla just to be safe. Thursday, I was involved in a car accident leaving campus.

It has yet to be determined who was at fault. It appears the situation will be more complicated than what I first thought. I am okay, I took my car to the auto body shop today. The rough estimate is $3,000 but that was just looking at the outside damage. I am a little stressed, this is my first accident where any percentage could be my fault. I am thankful I am able to borrow a car from Austin’s parents so I can at least get to and from school without any added stress.

I spent Thursday night and Friday being so upset about my car. It was my first brand new car without any dings or scratches. Now most of the car needs to be replaced. I am happy that my car with stood this collision without any serious damage. The right and left front fenders are pretty dented. The front bumper has some dings and both passenger side doors are scratched down to the metal. This has added a whole new level of stress to my already jammed packed semester.

I am trying to stay motivated and focus on the positive things in life, but really all I want to do is curl up with my chihuahuas and go to sleep. That is what I would have done two years ago. I would have stayed home from school and let all my studies fall by the side lines. I know now I have to focus and still complete my responsibilities. My dad always says, “The world will not stop turing just because you are having a bad day.” I keep repeating that to myself.

Furthermore, I feel guilty for complaining about a car when there are natural disasters taking place all over the world. People are without homes, food, and even jobs. In the past few days I have come to realize there are more important things in life than a new car. I am grateful for everything I have.

What I am most thankful for is my amazing family and wonderful boyfriend. My family has been calm and supportive through this whole thing. Reassuring me its just a car and everything will be okay. Austin, always knows how to make me smile even when all I want to do it cry. I am one lucky lady.

I hope all of you take a minute out of your day to tell those you love how much they mean to you.

I gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which I must stop and look fear in the face and say to myself, I have lived through this and can take the next thing that comes along.

-Eleanor Roosevelt

❥wife 💍 | ❥dog mom 🦊 | RIP Keiki + Anela 💔 ◆(legal) research psychologist | NASM trainer + nutrition coach ↡ I connect people with life changing solutions. 📷/🐥: jeanajuice


Ashley Erickson

This is a great post and a great reminder to stop and take a look around! Thank you!

Ashley Erickson

This is a great post and a great reminder to stop and take a look around! Thank you!

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