::What I’ve Learned in 7 Short Days::
Y’all – it’s been a week! 🤗
You’re probably thinking since what? So, I’ll tell you…
A week since Austin + I committed to 30 days without alcohol. 😳
Here’s what I’ve learned in 7 short days.
- Everyone has an opinion about sobriety + people won’t understand your reasoning. Who cares, do it anyway.
- It’s much easier to live a life of integrity when you’re not governed by external pressure(s) (e.g., happy hour).
- The human body is AMAZING + will do amazing things, if given the chance to preform optimally.
- Building relationships on more than happy hour + brunch is beyond important.
- There really is enough time in the day to accomplish my To Do List.
- SLEEP feels so good, especially drifting off at 7:00pm on a Sunday! 🙌🏼
- Committing to a goal with your significant other will do amazing things for your relationship.
Now, don’t get me wrong, an ice cold beer on a hot summer day is still one of my favorite past times. But, stepping outside my comfort zone in order to achieve my goals has become more important.
Friends, if you aren’t challenging yourself (big or small), you aren’t LIVING!
I challenge each of you to try something new this week, tell me about it 👇🏼!