Jeana Tales

Making Improvements

Yesterday morning I found myself laying in bed not wanting to go to my classes.
All I wanted to do was stay under the blankets and watch T.V. all day with my chihuahuas!

If this would have been a month earlier I would have just stayed there and not worried about the consequences.
However since I have made my “new years resolution” (I hate calling it that), I have turned over a new leaf.

As I laid in bed I began to think about my goals and how I planned to achieve them. I quickly remembered there are no short cuts in life and got my lazy butt out of my california king sized bed and into my not so warm car.

After an intense 50 minutes of pilates and then a 500 swim for time I was feeling fantastic.
I was alert and ready to learn when I sat down in my statistics class.
I had a wonderful day on campus, came home and completed most of my assignments that are due next week.

I learned that the days I want to stay in bed are the days I need to be out in the world!

❥wife 💍 | ❥dog mom 🦊 | RIP Keiki + Anela 💔 ◆(legal) research psychologist | NASM trainer + nutrition coach ↡ I connect people with life changing solutions. 📷/🐥: jeanajuice


Losing Weight…Yeah Right! » Blog Archive » ::Making Improvements:: |

[…] However since I have made my “ new years resolution ” (I hate calling it that), I have turned over a new leaf. As I laid in bed I began to think about my goals and how I planned to achieve them. I quickly remembered there are no short …Page 2 […]

Losing Weight…Yeah Right! » Blog Archive » ::Making Improvements:: |

[…] However since I have made my “ new years resolution ” (I hate calling it that), I have turned over a new leaf. As I laid in bed I began to think about my goals and how I planned to achieve them. I quickly remembered there are no short …Page 2 […]

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