Seasons of Life
This past week has been incredibly (emotionally) confusing for me. I’ve been thinking a lot…. about the meaning of life & about what is important in life.
Over the past week three strong women in my life brought beautiful babies into this world, two boys and one girl, with their husbands by their side while my Grandfather took his last breath without family to hold his hand.
Although these littles would likely never have known my Grandfather, in full transparency I hardly knew him as an adult. There is something poetic about celebrating life (and these strong Mamas) while simultaneously mourning death.
This year has been a lot for most of us, testing our mental and emotional strength. Personally, this year has tested me in the form of loss and sadness.
I have spent most of 2020 in self-reflection; trying to understand the lessons life has presented. Reflecting on the choices in my life, if they were made out of habit and from the place of least resistance OR if they are, in fact, what I want.
I know we are all dong the best we can in this life, especially this year, but I hope each of you take the time to reflect on what 2020 is attempting to teach you about life, how you want to end this year.
I hope to end the year wiser, kinder, and with a little more grace; because if I’ve learned anything its just how precious life is.
A little reminder, to take time to celebrate the little things.💖
Featured image by Aron Visuals on Unsplash