Emergency Fund
Now more than ever we should each be thinking about a Plan B, an Emergency Fund. I know it’s not the fun aspect of being an adult, it can even be stressful if your monthly finances are tight. I understand, I have been there. I want to share my journey with you over the past 3 years.
I woke up yesterday morning (9/30) to the realization it was 6 months since Austin and I said good-bye to our sweet Keiki.
I was flooded with emotions as I lay in bed; our room filled with the darkness and sounds of the world sleeping which accompanies a 4:30am alarm.
My emotions were further amplified when it dawned on me the 6 month anniversary coincided with Anela’s (second) heart check up appointment at the same hospital.
I wanted to compose an IG post reflecting on all the good Keiki has taught me since she passed, I will one day; but today I feel called to share something different.
Although we said good-bye to Keiki in the early morning hours of March 30th the journey began on March 27th.
If you have followed me for a while you know I documented this on Instagram & here on my blog. I shared how what seemed like a normal day turned to a nightmare.
What I haven’t shared was the silver lining that night, and many days after. The truth about my Emergency Fund.
On March 27th the doctors informed Austin and I Keiki should to be admitted to the hospital, she was in heart failure and this was her only chance of surviving.
What you probably don’t know is the preliminary bill to have her admitted was $3,000+ (yikes). I was able, without hesitation or checking with Austin, to approve Keiki’s admission to the hospital for one reason only, because of the residual income I earned.
Here’s the many days after portion- the total for Keiki’s two night stay was $5,000+ (we didn’t have pet insurance at the time; we do now) and since March Anela has had two appointments with a heart specialist totaling over $3,000.
All paid for with my residual income (aka my Emergency Fund).
Perhaps you have heard me reference my accident in May 2019 and how residual income helped me while I recovered; maybe that story didn’t resonate with you but hopefully this will.
I’m not sharing to brag, rather to impress upon you the importance of a back up plan.
Honestly, in my twenties I put off saving because I assumed there would always be another paycheck.
Until there wasn’t.
(A shocking side note: According the Federal Reserve a study in 2018, way before the pandemic, 40% of American’s didn’t have $400 in their savings for an emergency.)
Few could have predicted this unprecedented time, but here we are.
I haven’t worked (in person) as a personal trainer or stretch therapist since March. Without my “side hustle” I wouldn’t be able to pay my bills much less be able to afford a fighting chance for Keiki or specialist appointments for Anela.
I didn’t start my NWM business for a Bentley and Gucci bags (don’t get me wrong, I like nice things too); I started because I was laid-off from a job I poured into with a $2500 severance check (less than two weeks pay).
I quickly realized relying on a single stream of income I can’t control isn’t very smart. I knew I needed and Emergency Fund so I started looking for a way to make a residual income.
I started to build, slowly; even unintentionally at times.
Then I was able to earn an extra $200 a week (sometimes more). Which, doesn’t sound like much but compounded it transforms into a life saving amount (literally).
Friend, maybe in the past 6 months you also realized job security isn’t really a thing or you have a newfound appreciation for family time and work life balance.
Either way, if you’ve been watching and wondering; now’s the time.
My inbox is always open. 💖

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We so were not savers or concerned with a emergency fund. We both had jobs, not a lot of debt and stuff we could sell if needed. Well my accident happened, unable to work and still unable to work. Savings and an emergency fund is our #1 now, you never know when you will need it. Not to mention right after I got home from the hospital and rehab our dog had to be put to sleep and then 6 months after I was home the other an emergency and it cost us 6k to save her life. Thank gosh we already had an emergency fund built up- from selling everything we owned and could live without but we never want to be in that situation either. We want to own things we can sell but also have that savings and emergency fund for sure.
I totally agree, once you have an accident or experience a pet emergency it changes priorities. Having a back up plan is so important, especially now after so many have been out of work for months.