Separation Season
It’s Separation Season, so give me all the BĒA!🤣 Botanicals, energy, adaptogens. I mean this drink is my (not so) secret weapon anytime but extremely helpful during this time of year.

You may be thinking, what is Separation Season…
It’s a season where motivated individuals can separate themselves from their competition. I know, someone is saying, “Life isn’t a competition.” Well, maybe not for you.
I personally think it is, and I like to WIN.
Personally, I feel like there is so much happening yet nothing all at the same time. I haven’t really figured out this season of life, yet.
I guess with one foot in the academic world I tend to slow down this time of year but with the other firmly planted in the health and wellness space things are ramping up.
There are big things happening in my health and wellness business and I could not be more excited to help people experience physical and financial freedom during such an uncertain times; I am driven now more than ever, hence the sleepless nights.
But ‘tis the (separation) season, am I right?😳
Featured by Mpho Mojapelo on Unsplash