Personal Development

I Love You

I keep seeing the trend comparing 2020 vs 2023, I get it a lot has changed. But I am not here to be trendy. I want more- I want substance.

So I am going to share my biggest personal lesson learned since 2020.

Stop saving I love you for holidays and special occasions.

Say I love you often and with genuine appreciation.

I use to think I was too cool, too independent to say I love you

I failed to understand love is more than an emotion, it is a true appreciation for what others bring into your life (good and bad). But more importantly, I failed to realize that loving others is simply a reflection of how much I love myself.

Now, I say I love you often.

  • I say it when I leave SoulCycle.
  • I say it to Kamea every night.
  • I say it to Austin before I go on a walk.
  • I say it to my parents via text + voice memos.
  • I say it when family members are leaving for a trip.
  • I say it to friends, some I have never met IRL, via direct messages.

Because the brutal reality is, that ‘I love you.’ could be their last memory of me. 

Stop waiting.

Realize being alive is a special occasion.

I love you. 🤍J

❥wife 💍 | ❥dog mom 🦊 | RIP Keiki + Anela 💔 ◆(legal) research psychologist | NASM trainer + nutrition coach ↡ I connect people with life changing solutions. 📷/🐥: jeanajuice